Please visit ITU International Office website for more information about Istanbul Technical University’s international academic collaborations.

Visiting Scholars

Please visit ITU International Office website to apply for an academic position at ITU.


ITU Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture has been exchanging students and faculty members with the Erasmus-Socrates program since 2003-2004 Academic Year. Depending on the number of students sent by the Department of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University, most students in universities in Turkey has been sending institution of the European University. The number of students coming to our department is expected to increase in the coming semesters due to the increase of our bilateral agreements with European Universities.

Department of Architecture ERASMUS Commission, regulation of course selection, registration procedures and learning contracts of foreign students who come to our department within the scope of ERASMUS program; Providing necessary information to outgoing students, preparing learning contracts; It carries out the work related to the adjustment of our incoming students. In addition, the arrangement of bilateral agreements with counter institutions, their updating each year, and studies related to the exchange of faculty members are among the duties of the ERASMUS Commission.
ITU Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture has Erasmus agreements can be seen on the map below.

For the list of current agreements and information, please visit the ITU Erasmus Office web page.

Anlaşmalı Üniversiteler





  • Ec. Arch. et de Pay. de Bordeaux
  • Ec. Nat. Sup. d’Arch. de Grenoble
  • Ec. Nat. Sup. d’Arch. Paris- Malaquais










The IAESTE Turkey was founded by the initiative of Istanbul Technical University in 1955, thus affiliated with the Rectorate as an Institute with a legal personality. IAESTE Turkey National Committee has been officially approved by the Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey (the national and only official journal of the country publishing legislation) on 22 November 1966 no. 12458. According to the regulation, it is entitled to contact the related institutions both abroad and within the country and responsible for administration of the IAESTE exchange programme in cooperation with other countries. Recognized as a juridical person, the IAESTE Turkey is able to accept other universities within the country as members, on condition that they apply for a membership to the Rectorate of Istanbul Technical University being the legal representative of IAESTE Turkey. The applicant university is also supposed to have their own institutional representative (either academic or administrative staff) managing their students’ traineeship applications as well as their local work offers.

Since its establishment, IAESTE Turkey has sent abroad nearly 10.000 students and offered foreign students as many placements in Turkey so far.