Diploma Project Jury Distribution: List

Students who are subject to the course plan valid before the 2017-2018 Fall Semester are required to register for MIM 492E Graduation Project / MIM 492 Graduation Study, students who are subject to the course plan valid after the 2017-2018 Fall Semester are required to register for MIM 4902E Diploma Project / MIM 4902 Diploma Project courses.

Students enrolled in the relevant courses must fill out the Diploma Project Jury Preference Online Form and attach the Diploma Project Registration Form to the relevant section in the form until 17:00 on Monday, February 17, 2025. On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at the meeting organized by the Diploma Project Coordination, the students will be distributed to the juries according to their choices and student list for each jury will be announced on ninova on the same day.

On Wednesday, February 19, 2024, each jury will create their class lists on Ninova and will hold the first meeting with the students at the Diploma jury classes (the studios of the juries will be announced on ninova). Diploma Project files will be provided to the students in digital format.

About jury preferences: 

According to  ITU Undergraduate Education and Teaching Regulations(İTÜ Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliği) published in the Resmi Gazete dated July 11, 2016 and numbered 29767 “Students enrolled in undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 30% English must take at least 30% of the courses in the curriculum of the program they are a student of during their undergraduate education in English, and students enrolled in undergraduate programs whose medium of instruction is 100% English must take all of the courses in the curriculum of the program they are a student of during their undergraduate education in English, except for the courses that must be given in Turkish. If the head of the department approves, students may take some of the courses from the courses accepted as equivalent in the curriculum of other departments/programs of the University.” In accordance with the provision, students enrolled in the 100% English Architecture undergraduate program must choose from the English juries in the MIM492E | MIM 4902E course.

You can also find detailed information about the Diploma Project Guidelines from the link below:

Diploma Project Principles | ITU Department of Architecture

Required Links:

Diploma Project Jury Preference Online Form (Google Form document)

ITU - Diploma Project Registration Form

ITU Undergraduate Education and Teaching Regulations